Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And the #BOOBOO_of_the_Year goes to...

The Dangers of Tweeting
By Ira Pedrasa
Posted at 11/02/2010 11:40 AM

Updated as of 11/02/2010 3:11 PM

Mislang came under fire following her posts on the popular social networking site, Twitter.

Mislang posted in her Twitter account, “The wine sucks” after the state banquet hosted by Vietnam President Nguyen Minh Triet in honor of Aquino.

She also tweeted: “Sorry pero walang pogi dito #vietnam.” (Sorry, there are no handsome men here.)

She also posted: “Crossing the speedy motorcycle laden streets of Hanoi is one of the easiest ways to die.”

Mislang has already been reprimanded, and MalacaƱang has stopped its communications officials from further using social networking sites pending a review of the social media policy.

(article taken from abs-cbnnews.com)

By now the whole cyberspace have feasted on the big booboo on Twitter by one of P-Noy's speech writer, Mai Mislang. Even saw a "anti"-fanpage on Facebook for her.

So here's what I think about Twitter/Facebook/Blogging...

1. Once you put it out online, it's there forever... You can take it back but someone out there viewed it already. Worse is if they download it and successfully spread it around.

2. Remember all those internet scandals??? How they spread like wildfire??? It's the same.

3. If you're a public figure chances are you have more followers than friends.

4. If you want to blog/tweet/post without censorship, use a different username and avatar. Go anonymous! And please drop the hashtag!!!

5. You can't separate what you put online with who you are. Nowadays, blogging is like an extension of who you are.

6. If you say something wrong online, have the balls to stand by it. Or say sorry.

Not all thoughts that go through our head should be posted online. There are repercussions on us, on our friends and family, the topic of our rants or raves, and even to our readers. The old adage "think before you speak" holds true. Now it goes beyond to "think before you speak, tweet, blog..."

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